Thursday, June 01, 2006

First before you cook

A great mindset to cooking makes all the difference.
Not only to the meal but more importantly to the happiness of the cook and everyone around her/him.

See if this story is useful to you....

Most of my life I have been SUPER busy. I mean work full time in high-stress roles, sometimes study part-time concurently, have kids, participate in active sport/recreation, write, read, play/perform music, sometimes do community activities, go out with friends, etc). I've survived cooking-wise, in fact thrived, by taking on as a personal challenge the cooking of super-yummy dinners within 20 minutes of getting home. This means being fearlessly spontaneously creative, multi-tasking-by-priority, and having fun in a little forward planning (only a little).

As an example, currently I take great 'delight' in creating/inventing gourmet sandwiches for one of my two sons to take to school plus a warm breakfast. This is my personal-challenge-project of nourishing and pleasing this spindly elongating and fussy-eater teenager!

It starts in the supermarket doing a high-speed selection of delicious ingredients (as a way of expressing my creative telent) for stock-standard items like cranberry sauce and for fresh items like turkey slices, salmon, beef steak, chicken and smoked ham.

Then I sometimes marinate the meat for morning cooking or cook the meat the night before (sometimes while I shower -multi-tasking, remember?) This is the 'little planning ahead' with anticipation for the delightful outcome. I look forward to the morning delivery of my goods!

I set the alarm clock with glee (it is true). In the morning, with mixed feelings!, I bounce out of bed and stumble about half asleep. Grill on, kettle on, before bathroom. By the time I get back water's ready for my tea and I can chuck some meat for the day in the grill. Then it is a routine of choice-things-out-of-the-fridge, cling-film on work-top, slicing bread this way or that way, etc. The creation/composition of the two-layer sandwich or a roll or a wrap is just so so so so exciting. I just can't wait for lunch time thinking what he will be munching through....

By the way, breakfast is just simple quick things during weekdays. It is great fun to multi-task that with the sandwich making while sipping my aromatic herbal tea!

Will write up some recipes to share with you soon. Might call them gourmet sandwiches made with love (of the spindly elongating fussy-eater teenager). It is a thrill to hear this fuss-pot report back. I just think that the joy of selecting and creating meals brings the joy of life. Life is a sandwich.

Do you approach cooking the same way? If not then do it for a week and tell me what you think.

Venus Speaks
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Monday, May 29, 2006

Links to other sites by VenusSpeaks

Venus on Real Love main site, with articles, stories, poems and links to other sites
Ask Venus Ask and see questions and answers on love, relationships and dating
Venus on food recipes, thoughts and philosophy on food
Venus on Fun ideas on how to have fun and laughter